Two months have passed. Nathan and I have moved out of our apartment and in with my parents. This has helped us during the packing/sorting stage of the process. We have shipped everything that I will be taking to the school in St. Michael. This evening we packed the last six boxes so we can ship them on Monday.
Tomorrow, Nathan and I are leaving for a ten-day road trip through Oregon, Montana, and Washington. This will be our time to say "Good bye" to the temperate Northwest. We will begin our trip with a few days in Kalispel, Montana where we will visit Nathan's grandparents and Glacier National Park. Then we will head to Lake Chelan in Washington and take the ferry to Stehikan for three days with two of our friends. We will end our trip with several days in Sunriver celebrating Nathan's mom's birthday.
I will have five days at home before I fly to Anchorage on August 1.
The last few months have gone by so fast. Packing has been crazy. Imagine moving to a place where you can't drive to the store to buy something you forgot. Everything has to be mailed to you from Anchorage. Meals can't be planned by the week, they have to be planned by the month (at least). Tonight my mom helped us make grocery lists for the four days that I am in Anchorage. The list fills up two pages of a legal pad. We have to think of everything. Also, we won't just buy small quantities. We will be buying everything Costco-size or larger. I know I will have a long, detailed post about shopping when I reach Anchorage. It will be a very new experience.
That's all for now. My mind is completely fried after packing and trying to organize and plan for the coming three weeks.