This week we had snow fall and snow remain on the ground in patches the whole week. The temperature fell below freezing on Monday and stayed there. Yesterday and today the temperature is in the upper 20s. Earlier this year, when I would walk to the big school I would watch the wind blow across the ponds that cover the tundra. If the wind was strong, I could see waves on the ponds.
Now when I walk to the big school I see big rocks, pieces of metal or trash, even shoes sitting on top of the ponds where kids have thrown them trying to break the ice. Some of the rocks rest next to little dents in the ice but most of them didn't do any damage at all. The roads are no longer muddy, slippery messes. Now the roads are frozen tire tracks. The gravel I walk across to go to school each morning is frozen around the footprints that were left behind by kids and dogs. Imagine going to the beach and walking in the dry sand; however the sand doesn't give in and reshape around your feet, it stays in the shapes left by wind and other footprints. That's what is it like walking across the playground each morning.
The sun comes up around 9:30am now and sky is noticeably lighter around 10am. The sun sets around 7:30pm. We lose 70 minutes (1 hour and 10 minutes) of daylight each week.
Sun breaking through the clouds around 10:30am. |
Barbecue Chicken Pizza |
Tonight I made barbecue chicken pizza, inspired by Lisa's Pizza. I'm getting better with the dough. I make up pizza toppings with whatever happens to be in the fridge. So far, so good!
Sunday Morning
This picture was taken at 9:50 am looking West out of our front windows. I woke up around 2:30 am this morning and saw that it had snowed. The night is brighter with snow on the ground. |
Looking South toward the Norton Sound. |