Monday, August 27, 2012

End of August

Sorry for the delay in updating my blog.  I was unable to upload pictures from Fish Camp but I have them posted on Facebook.  You can check them out at the link below.

After returning from fish camp I got to spend time with the new teachers who arrived while I was gone.  Jim is from Oregon,  is a Duck, came with two cats, and will be teaching 2nd grade, Ariel (pronounced R-E-L) is our 6th grade teacher, Jessica is our Middle and High School Special Ed teacher, Tim M. is our 7th grade teacher.

After spending a week moving in, we all headed to Unalakleet for our district inservice.  11 of the 15 village schools in the district were there.  The other 4 sites were in Stebbins.  We left St. Michael on Monday morning from the big school.  Unalakleet was sunny and warm until Thursday, the day of the annual Fun Run.  Katie and I represented our school in the 5.1 mile race.  No, I did not run the whole way, but I did finish.  On Friday evening we left Unalakleet and headed back to St. Michael.  I unpacked, did laundry, and repacked, then left for Nome on Sunday afternoon.  We go to the air strip for my 3:45pm flight at 4pm and waited for the plane to arrive until 5:20.  During that time we watched the sun slowly disappear behind clouds, the hill in the distance disappear into clouds, and the hill next to us disappear into clouds.  Then the rain started.  I was soaked in the time it took to walk the 10 feet from the truck to the plane.  Then I slept and when I woke up it was sunny in Nome!

I went to Nome for our ECE training with our Kawerak staff.  On Sunday night (I was the last one there), we went to Airport Pizza, and then Liz (Brevig Mission), Laura (Wales), Amy, (White Mountain), Kurt (Teller: new teacher from Oregon), Alex (Gambell: new teacher from Oregon), and I went to watch "The Dark Knight Rises".  I was so excited!

On Monday and Tuesday we went to training with our Kawerak staff.  On Wednesday we stayed at the Aurora Inn (where we stay when we attend district-funded activities in Nome) and worked in the conference room teaching the new ECE teachers how to administer our assessments and how to use our observation tool.  During these three days a big storm came in.  The wind was strong, it was raining, and the ocean in Nome looked like the Oregon Coast: huge breakers, white caps, etc.  On Thursday the storm subsided and we were able to fly out.  I got to do the "milk run": stopping in several villages as we made our way to the destination.  I also got to ride on the district plane for the first time.  We stopped in Golovin first.  They have horses.  Then we went to Elim.  They have trees, lots of trees.  Then we went to Koyuk.  They also have trees, and mountains.  Then we went to Shaktoolik.  Shaktoolik is built on a spit of land the has the ocean immediately on one side and a large river immediately on the other.  The village has one road, with houses and building on either side.  That's it.  Then we flew to Unalakleet.  The hinge to the door/steps was broken and needed to be fixed.  I switched to Era and waited 3 hours and then left for St. Michael.

Friday was a teacher workday so I went over to the big school for our morning staff meeting and ended up having other meetings to go to so I didn't get into my classroom at my building until 2pm.  This was my first work day in my classroom.  I am so thankful for my Kawerak staff, they had set up the room while I was in Unalakleet for the inservice.  Saturday was also a work day, and I spent that day working in my classroom.  At 2pm I went to the big school for the back to school potluck.

Today is Monday, the K-12 students had their first day of school today.  Head Start had a work day.  We finished getting ready for the year, creating things, and putting things away.  Tomorrow we start school.  I have 13 students at the moment.

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